The Email Newsletter Checklist: Create Yours in 15 Steps

Email Newsletter Checklist Book Image

Increase open rates while building a loyal community.

Fill out the form. Check your email. Download the checklist.

Provide value-first content that your email database can’t wait to open. 

Consistently sending newsletters can raise a lot of questions, like “How often should we send this?” “What’s the next theme?” and so forth. 

So, we created an easy-to-follow checklist that helps you answer these questions before you even start. Quickly align on aspects such as your newsletter’s purpose, target audience, and publishing cadence in a way that works for your team’s objectives, not against them. 

Newsletters offer cost-effective, measurable insights to improve your content personalization and sales outreach. Whether it’s your first issue or a relaunch, create a high-impact newsletter that cuts through the inbox noise. 

Get aligned on the direction of your newsletter with our interactive prompts: 

  • Determine your newsletter’s goals based on your KPIs. 
  • Identify cohesive themes and compelling subject lines. 
  • Build out your template in Canva or Google Slides. 
  • Draft your copy and optimize it with your AI tool of choice. 

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